Can I pay for my training with my CPF?
Yes absolutely, you can finance up to 100% of our training with your Personal Training Account (CPF - Compte Personnel de Formation) LILATE, or "Live Language Test," is a certification of language skills eligible under the Personal Training Account (CPF) in France. It assesses foreign language proficiency in a professional context. Lingueo's training courses lead to a LILATE certification, meaning the languages that can be funded through CPF are as follows: English Spanish German IFew readersHow much do Lingueo courses cost?
Our rates for working people and job seekers All our training courses are eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF). Our rates are public and posted on the Caisse des dépôts website Examples of rates for a language sample we offer : English training (,%22type%22:%22CP%22,%22ville%22:null%7D,%22sort%22:%22PRIFew readersIf I am financed by Pôle Emploi do I still get paid?
You are compensated during your training if you start your training, outside of the PPAE, within the framework of a total or partial financing via your Personal Training Account (CPF); you start your training as part of a personalized employment access project (PPAE) that you have developed with your employment advisorFew readersWhich scheme can finance my training?
Measures and aids for professional training For employees The different devices can be activated at the initiative of the employer or the employee. Employee initiated The personal training account (C.P.F.) CPF ( readers